
Contributing to GraphQL Debugger

Thank you for your interest in contributing to GraphQL Debugger!

This project is open source and welcomes contributions.

Before making any changes we encourage you to either reach out to us or start a discussion in a GitHub issue.

Getting running locally

All the code for GraphQL Debugger is in the monorepo.

To get started, you need to setup your env and install some dependencies.

Setup your env

  • Node.js >=18
  • pnpm >=8
npm i -g pnpm

Fork the repo

Fork the repo and clone it locally.

Here work on a branch and then open a PR to the main branch.

Install dependencies

pnpm i


pnpm build


pnpm test

Running the debugger

To run the debugger locally, you can run

pnpm run dev

This will spin up the development environment for you and you can visit debugger on http://localhost:8080