
Releasing GraphQL Debugger

The GraphQL Debugger monorepo contains several packages and apps and most of them are deployed to npm, this page describes the process of releasing a new version of Debugger.


  • Dont publish a package from your local machine.
  • Never change a version of a debugger package manually.
  • Dont change the ^workspace version in a package.json file.
  • All packages should have the same version.
  • Check the changes before pushing them to GitHub.
  • Manually check the deployed packages on npm after the release.

Releasing a new version

To release a new version of the packages make sure that you are on the main branch and that you have the latest changes. Then, you can bump all the packages to the new version:

$ VERSION=__VERSION__ START_PATH=. pnpm run release

This will change all the packages to the given version and will create a commit and tag with the changes.

Note that the release command will not modify the monorepo ^workspace version in the package.json files. It will only change the version of the packages. Changes to the workspace settings are done in the pipelines and are not part of this release.

After the release command is finished, it is wize to check the changes and make sure that everything is as expected.

You can do that by running:

$ git log --name-status HEAD^..HEAD
(HEAD -> main, tag: 0.0.0-alpha.53)
M       apps/backend/package.json
M       apps/collector-proxy/package.json
M       apps/landing-page/app/package.json
M       apps/landing-page/server/package.json
M       apps/ui/package.json
M       e2e/package.json
M       packages/data-access/package.json
M       packages/graphql-debugger/package.json
M       packages/graphql-schema/package.json
M       packages/opentelemetry/package.json
M       packages/queue/package.json
M       packages/schemas/package.json
M       packages/time/package.json
M       packages/trace-directive/package.json
M       packages/trace-schema/package.json
M       packages/types/package.json
M       packages/utils/package.json
M       pnpm-lock.yaml

This will output the contents of the last commit. Make sure that the changes are as expected(only package versions should be changed).

Then, make sure that the tag is created:

$ git tag
0.0.0-alpha.53 <--- This is the new tag

Finally, push the changes to GitHub:

$ git push && git push --tags

This will trigger a release pipeline on GitHub Actions that will publish the packages to npm.